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Assistance Available for Economic Displacement Relocation

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Assistance Available for Economic Displacement Relocation

The housing issue is all but back to normal for many. COVID created some tough economic and living situations. Many agency leaders are looking to address those who are in those tough situations. Residents renting in Seattle will benefit from the information below.

Beginning July 1, 2022, when your landlord increases your housing costs by 10% or more within the same 12-month period, you may be eligible for Economic Displacement Relocation Assistance – EDRA.   

Tenant households earning 80% or less of the area median can apply for financial help to move when they vacate or give notice to vacate before a 10% or more housing cost increase takes effect. The 10% can consist of a single increase or multiple increases when combined,if all the increases take effect within the same 12-month period. 

EDRA applicants must:

*Receive a notice of increase on or after July 1, 2022

*Earn less than 80% of Seattle’s average median income (AMI)

*Receive a 10% or more increase to housing costs within 12 months

*Move or give notice to move before the increase takes effect.

80% AMI (2022) based on Household Sizes:

Household size 1 = $66,750

Household size 2 = $76,250

Household size 3 = $85,800

Household size 4 = $95,300

Household size 5 = $102,950

Household size 6 = $110,550

Household size 7 = $118,200

Household size 8 = $125,800

Before you make an EDRA application, there are a number of requirements you need to understand. 

What is a household?

To apply for EDRA:

*You must identify the members of your household

*Designate a household representative to be responsible for the application

*Provide proof of all household income

But what exactly makes a household? A household can be made up of one person or several people. It’s often considered to be a group of related people such as parents and children but a household can consist of a wide variety. Some examples of households include:

*Single individuals

*Married couples or domestic partners

*Parent(s) with children

*Extended families that include parents, grandparents, grandchildren, and siblings

Some factors helpful to consider when figuring out your household for an EDRA application include but are not limited to:

 *Are there shared finances?

 *Is there a domestic relationship between renters?

 *Is there an intent to relocate together?

Households and Housing Units

A housing unit can be a house, apartment, individually rented rooms, etc. There may be more than one household living in a housing unit. Some examples of how households may reside in housing units include:

*A house that has 5 bedrooms, each occupied by unrelated adults (5 households)

*An apartment where a parent and child live (1 household)

*A house where a family sublets a room to an unrelated friend (2 households)

*An apartment where 6 people live, each as part of a couple in a domestic partnership (3 households)

*A house where grandparents are raising their grandchildren and there is a couple and a single person renting a room each (3 households)

What is considered household income?

When you apply for EDRA you will need to document all sources of household income for the previous calendar year and the current calendar year to date. 

 Examples of income include:

 *Wages, salaries, tips

 *Income from self-employment

 *Social security and retirement payments

 *Public assistance payments (TANF, GAU, SSI)

 *Child support 

 *Unemployment or worker’s compensation

 *Alimony payments 

 *Education grants

 *Investment income (dividends, interest, royalties)

 *Gain from sale of capital goods or equipment

 *Rental income 

 *Income from estates and trusts

 *Annuities, pensions, retirement, or veteran’s benefits

 *Old age, survivor, or strike benefits

 *Retirement income

 *Money received from family or friends on a consistent basis

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